Nit Not Lice Removal Service

Nit Not Lice Removal Service

Friday 27 November 2015

FRIDAY, 27th November 2015

Friday Morning Fever

Due to the overwhelming response we are happy to extend our 10% Off Offer to the 30th December 2015.   
Bring your friends, bring your family and lets clean up our beautiful town.   
For education and eradication call now.   
Sheryl 0418 855 939
This is a special offer to get the kids clean for the holidays.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY her we come!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 17 November 2015

No matter what you do...
Be Sure To Provide a Non-Chemical Choice For Children, Families, and Yourself!
Because children of any age or size are vulnerable to the harmful effects of pesticides. They also often have pregnant or nursing mothers who should never be exposed to chemical treatments either by applying them to themselves or to others.
Because too many people unfortunately overuse chemical agents out of fear and frustration without adequate warning of the risks to themselves and the environment.
Because each of us has unique vulnerabilities. Pesticide products can accumulate in the human body and they are not necessarily washed away at the end of the treatment, as people would like to think.
Because the overuse of lice products can predispose a person to adverse reactions with even one additional chemical exposure.
Because it's not worth taking unnecessary risks when the bottom line will always be the manual removal of lice and nits.
Because none of the available chemical treatments are 100% effective and too many people are told to seek prescriptions after other treatments fail. Prescriptions become the most potentially harmful treatment of them all!
Because pesticides pose a risk to all children, and none are more at risk than the growing number treated for illnesses and/or on medication.
Because everyone needs a safe non-chemical way to screen, detect, and thoroughly remove head lice and their eggs (nits).   To serve these purposes, the National Pediculosis Association developed and recommends the LiceMeister® comb.
"Cuz if you don't get 'ern out, you've still got em!TM" "Because it's not about lice, it's about kids. TM"
Taken from  the National Pediculosis Association USA

Friday 13 November 2015

The nits that hatch lice often remain on the head after treatment, and lice often still live in the pillows, sheets and blankets after the treatment has ended. As a result, all linens and clothing should be washed at a temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit and then placed in a dryer, on the hot cycle, for a minimum of 20 minutes, according to KidsHealth.
Items that can't fit into the washing machine, such as pillows, cushions, comforters and stuffed animals, as well as clothing that requires dry cleaning should all go to the dry cleaner. For items that should not go to a dry cleaner, placing them in airtight bags for 72 hours suffocates the lice. It's also necessary to vacuum carpets and upholstery throughout the house. Afterward, the vacuum cleaner bag should go into the outside trash bin, reports KidsHealth.

Any hair care items such as combs, hair bands and brushes require soaking in medicated shampoo or isopropyl alcohol for at least an hour, or the owner has the option of throwing them into the outside trash. All members of the household should get lice treatment to keep them from returning, as stated by KidsHealth.

         Natural Head/Body Lice -n-Mite Treatment 
                                 Defense Spray 
                                           KO Lice Spray is a totally natural organic product
                                  based on a leave in conditioner including a no tangle agent 
                                        helps remove eggs and makes combing easier
                                                            Kills lice and eggs 
                                                             Easy Application
                                           To protect the hosts head, use 1 or 2 Sprays
                                             No more ugly smells a pleasant sweet odour
                                         Application for this “all in one ” spray is just 5 minutes
                                                       Spray, Rinse and Finish .

                                              Cost to you only $20.00 plus postage
                                                         Call Sheryl on 0418 855 939 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

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Copy (2) of Life cycle - lice.jpg
I have been in the business of helping households rid themselves of nits, lice and eggs.

I would love to help you too because the only way we are going to be rid of this scourge, is to all work together and clean our kids heads.

I know that different Health Departments recommend not worrying about cleaning our homes etc.     But from my experience They are Wrong!!!!

Please make a concerted effort to check your children and yourselves, do the treatments, clean your homes, toys, brushes, any fabric furnishings, carpets, hats etc. and keep on top of the problems.

Bad infestation.JPG         I can help to a point but you have to take responsibility and make sure                     it does not happen again.

         Call me to help, Sheryl   0418 855 939

Photo of Neem Oil Products.JPG

My thoughts.

I worry, I ponder, Why? Why? Why Lice?

Do we actually know what they are doing how they are propulgating???????

Its time to clean folks ...............................................  Not only the hair of your precious babs but your homes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Monday 16 March 2015

 Commonly asked question,

 What are these creepy crawlies in my childs hair?????????????????


"Nits" sometimes refers to active lice, not just eggs

In some countries the term "nits" refers to live lice rather than just lice eggs. In the US "nits" generally refers only to the eggs attached to hairs. "Nitpicking" is the process of removing nits by hand usually with a comb of some kind but nits can also be crushed between fingernails. Primates often engage in mutual grooming behavior to remove lice and nits (which are usually eaten!) from each other.
But humans remove and dispose.
Treating Lice and Picking Nits Live lice should be treated with one of the herbal treatment hair shampoos or lotions. This treatment alone, however, is not enough. To be 100% effective you MUST follow this treatment with proper nit picking using a good, metal lice comb. Plastic lice combs that sometimes are packaged with hair treatments are NOT effective for removing nits.   And then clean your house.   This is the only way to get rid of the scourge completely!!!!!!!!

We at Nit Not Lice Removal Service Have a comb that is far superior to many others. Our comb is available by post for the low low price of $19.00 plus postage and handling. Give us a call on 0418 855 939 ( Perth, Western Australia)
 Illustration of a head lice egg

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Lice checks

Hi there all the mums and dads of Australia time to check your children for lice nits nymphs or eggs.  
Whether they are teenagers or littlies they could be sharing these creatures.   
If you are not sure use some conditioner apply from the root to the tip on a lock of hair at the forehead above the ears and at the nape of the neck.   Now use a metal comb from the scalp to the tip and wipe on a tissue and check each wipe.   If any dots black brown grey or dots with or without fur or furry feet   They are nits you need to treat immediately. 
Plastic combs are a waste of time.  Chemicals are dangerous. Give us a call. We will discus your best options. We are mobile or we can post our product to you.   Our neem oil is natural and our comb is guaranteed to remove all stages of the life cycle.  
Check out our website or call us on 0418 855 939 we will endeavour to clean up your problem.  
Regards Sheryl