Nit Not Lice Removal Service

Nit Not Lice Removal Service

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Morning Parents

Yesterday was the first day of spring and believe me the nasties are on the moooooove.
Their hosts heads are begining to heat up with the seasonal weather.

It is time to catch them on the run.    Remember 1 louse can lay up to 10 eggs per day for 30 days,   they will not all be viable but you only need one to start the infestation.

Make a conscious effort to appoint a day and time or scenario where there is family head check.
Fortunately or unfortunately not all hosts itch.    Therefore it is possible that the lice are present either as eggs, nits, nymphs or fully grown producing lice.

Using a long toothed stainless steel comb apply conditioner on the forehead, nape of neck, above the ears and on the crown.   Pull your comb through the conditioner and wipe on a tissue or roller towel.

The black, brown or beigey coloured dots are eggs, darker more pronounced are nymphs and the actual louse is very obvious.

If you should find any of these message me on to discus a care package. Or call me on 0418 855 939
regars Sheryl

Thursday 10 July 2014

Nit Not Lice Removal Service: 


Once a week and remember anyone in the family can be affected.

Dont send your kids to school with Nits, what about all the other kids out there!!!!

If one child has it, the others probably also do including the parents!!!!!!

If you need to know how to check with certainty, give me a call

Nit Not Lice Removal Service: Sheryl 0418 855 939

Monday 3 March 2014

Life Cycle

A very simple LIFE CYCLE OF THE LOUSE (egg, nit, lice)

 The life cycle of nits to head lice is very important to understanding re-infestations.
Mature females lay 8-10 eggs per day Eggs or nits are glued to the hair shaft by the insect The egg/nit takes 14-20 days to hatch.

Note: It is at this stage when the nits are maturing into nymphs that people think they are rid of head lice (no itching) and then they hatch.
Newly hatched nymphs need to find a human blood meal quickly.
They then sprout legs and reach maturity within 7 days of hatching.
The mature adults then reproduce and create 8-10 eggs per day for 30 days and it all begins all over again.     HENCE the cause for itching or no itching.
Dont be blinded by the fact that there is no itch. During the egg/nit cycle there is no itching and not all hosts ever itch.

Call me now -    Sheryl  0418 855 939