Nit Not Lice Removal Service

Nit Not Lice Removal Service

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Hi All my name is Sheryl and I am a nit picker. My business is called Nit Not Lice Removal Service I operate in Perth and am here to help.

I understand your frustration. First things first, your kids are precious, dont put harmful chemicals on their heads. Worse dont send them to bed with these harmful chemicals as they then sleep on the chemical and breathe it in aaaaaaaaaall night long. ...........

I feel for you all but mostly for your children, you dont know how miserable they are until they are nit free and their little faces look up and say "no itching anymore mum" that is worth a million.

For anymore info please check out my blogspot - or my facebook page nit not lice removal service or see me on Gumtree nit not lice removal service Sheryl 0418 855 939 Perth but will chat with anyone Good luck IT IS TIME TO CHECK!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Nit Not Lice Removal Service: Hi all,Testimonials are the best form of advertise...

CHECKING, CHECKING, CHECKING, every week.  Once a week and remember anyone in the family can be affected.
If one child has it, the others probably also do including the parents!!!!!!
If you need to know how to check with certainty, give me a call
Sheryl  0418 855 939

Nit Not Lice Removal Service: Hi all,Testimonials are the best form of advertise...: Hi all, Testimonials are the best form of advertisement and this one I am very proud to share. Hi Sheryl, thanks for your message and the...

Sunday 3 November 2013

Hi All my name is Sheryl and I am a nit picker. My business is called Nit Not Lice Removal Service I operate in Perth and am here to help. I believe you all have it and understand your frustration. First things first. your kids are precious dont put harmful chemicals on their heads. Worse dont send them to bed with these harmful chemicals as they then sleep on the chemical and worse breathe it in aaaaaaaaaall night long.
My pyrithium of choice ic Neem Oil, it is herbal and works a treat.
.I feel for you all but mostly for your children, you dont know how miserable they are ubtil they are nit free and their little faces look up and say "no itching anymore mum" that is worth a million.
For anymore info please check out my blogspot - or my facebook page nit not lice removal service or see me on Gumtree nit not lice removal service Sheryl 0418 855 939 Perth but will chat with anyone Good luck

Saturday 2 November 2013

Hi all, Testimonials are the best form of advertisement and this one I am very proud to share.

 Hi Sheryl, thanks for your message and the reminder. I did a comb through when I got your message and will do another comb through tonight. Thanks again for coming out last week, it was the best $50 I spent! I'm not going to bother going to the chemist next time (if there is a next time). I will just give you a call. Thanks again & thanks for the chat. Louise

I have appointments available at your home or at my treatment rooms in Morley. Regards Sheryl

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Thursday 10 October 2013

Wounds and scabs due to the itchiness of the lice.

These are scabs left by scratching.    Do you know that if a single louse crawls into the scab it could cause an infection in the open wound!!!!!!!!!

This is a picture of a few of the wounds and scabs I found on one of my charges.  
This little darling was not old enough to remember how long she had been scratching and therefore how long she had been infested.
The infestation to the naked eye did not look that old and the scabs and sores were quite new.              
Your child may not be able to tell you they are itchy as the itch happens gradually and at intermittent
intervals and they dont realise what it is.    Please do something before it gets to this.   The nits may not hurt but dirty finger nails in open wounds can be quite harmful.   

Call us any time Sheryl 0418 855 939

Friday 27 September 2013


Its holidays time to get those kiddies clean and healthy again.

We remove lice and nits
Morley WA 6062     view on map
Areas of expertise:
  • We remove lice and nits.
  • We are mobile.
  • We have lice defence and deletion spray for sale.
  • We have specialist combs for sale.
  • We Educate and Eradicate.


We are a mobile lice and nit removal service, who also work from our treatment rooms in Morley.
We have products to aid you in keeping them at bay after we have rid your children and homes of these awful critters.
We aim to educate our customers to remove them and keep them gone.

This is what WILL happen if you do not remove all eggs, nymphs and lice

If you see this on your childs head, he or she has the dreaded scourge of nits and lice.
Please check your children, not all hosts itch or scratch if they do itch and scratch they make huge sores and scabs.
Call me on 0418 855 939 Sheryl

Monday 9 September 2013

Nit Not Lice Removal Service: We remove lice and nitsMorley WA 6062view on map ...

Nit Not Lice Removal Service:
We remove lice and nitsMorley WA 6062view on map ...
We remove lice and nits Morley WA 6062
view on map
 Areas of expertise: We remove lice and nits. We are mobile. We...


We remove lice and nits

Areas of expertise:

  • We remove lice and nits.
  • We are mobile.
  • We have lice defence and deletion spray for sale.
  • We have specialist combs for sale.
  • We Educate and Eradicate.


We are a mobile lice and nit removal service, who also work from our treatment rooms in Morley.
We have products to aid you in keeping them at bay after we have rid your children and homes of these awful critters.
We aim to educate our customers to remove them and keep them gone.
Call Sheryl 0418 855 939


Its holidays time to get those kiddies clean and healthy again.

We remove lice and nits
Morley WA 6062     view on map
Areas of expertise:
  • We remove lice and nits.
  • We are mobile.
  • We have lice defence and deletion spray for sale.
  • We have specialist combs for sale.
  • We Educate and Eradicate.


We are a mobile lice and nit removal service, who also work from our treatment rooms in Morley.
We have products to aid you in keeping them at bay after we have rid your children and homes of these awful critters.
We aim to educate our customers to remove them and keep them gone.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Itch              ITCH           itch ITCH      itch

Itch              ITCH









'Muuuuummmm I've got a itchchchchch'




Monday 2 September 2013

LiceMeister Nit Comb

 “Nits” sometimes refers to active lice not just eggs.

In some countries the term “nits” refers to live lice rather than just lice eggs.   In the US “nits” generally refers only to the eggs attached to hairs. “Nitpicking” is the process of removing nits by hand usually with a comb of some kind but nits can also be crushed between fingernails.   Primates often engage in mutual grooming behavior to remove lice and nits (which are usually eaten!) from each other.

Treating Lice and Picking Nits

Live lice should be treated with one of the herbal shampoos or lotions.   This treatment alone, however is not enough.   To be 100% effective you MUST follow this treatment with “manual nit picking” using a good, metal lice comb   Plastic lice combs that sometimes are packaged with the hair treatments are not effective enough for removing nits. We at Nit Not Lice Removal Service have a very effective metal long toothed comb, which can be washed and sterilized and used many times.  Our price $19.00 plus postage and handling from Perth Western Australia.    Call 0418 855 939 for your order today. 

Monday 26 August 2013


 This is what has been removed on one swoop of a 4 year old boys head.

The size of the nit, eggs and lice has been exaggerated, due to the size of the photo. But, the size of the
critter is not as important as the amount of eggs, nits and lice that have been found.    This infestation is probably not more than one or two weeks old but imagine if all of those eggs hatch, or the nymphs are allowed to grow their legs in the next few days, how many eggs will they Lay????   If you have 2 or more children they will probably all become infested and not long after, you too will be scratching because of the close contact we all have with our children.    Something needs to be done now!!!!  Dont wait!!! Call us!!!
0418 855 939   - We educate and eradicate.   We are mobile.
Thank you for taking the time, this is the only way we are going to be able to rid our homes and schools of these nasties.

Friday 23 August 2013

Friday Morning Fever

Due to the overwhelming response we are happy to extend our 10% Off Offer to the 30th September 2013.   
Bring your friends, bring your family and lets clean up our beautiful town.   
For education and eradication call now.   
Sheryl 0418 855 939

Tuesday 20 August 2013

How did we get head lice???

This is a common question for a very common problem.     All over the world people are battling these
horrid little critters.


Friday 16 August 2013

10% Coupon on treatments and purchases!

10% Coupon on treatments and purchases!

Please print!
To receive 10% discount on treatments and purchases from 16th August 2013 to 16th September 2013.


Head Lice - Life Cycle

Head Lice - Life Cycle

The head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) is an obligate ectoparasite of humans.[1] Head lice are wingless insects spending their entire life on the human scalp and feeding exclusively on human blood.[1] Humans are the only known hosts of this specific parasite, while chimpanzees host a closely related species, Pediculus schaeffi. Other species of lice infest most orders of mammals and all orders of birds.[1]
Like all lice, head lice differ from other hematophagic ectoparasites such as the flea in that lice spend their entire life cycle on a host.[2] Head lice cannot fly, and their short stumpy legs render them incapable of jumping, or even walking efficiently on flat surfaces.[2]
The non-disease-carrying head louse differs from the related disease-carrying body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus) in preferring to attach eggs to scalp hair rather than to clothing. The two subspecies are morphologically almost identical but do not normally interbreed, although they will do so in laboratory conditions. From genetic studies, they are thought to have diverged as subspecies about 30,000–110,000 years ago, when many humans began to wear a significant amount of clothing.[3][4] A much more distantly related species of hair-clinging louse, the pubic or crab louse (Pthirus pubis), also infests humans. It is visually different from the other two species and is much closer in appearance to the lice which infest other primates.[5] Lice infestation of any part of the body is known as pediculosis.[6]
Head lice (especially in children) have been, and still are, subject to various eradication campaigns. However, and unlike body lice, head lice are not the vectors of any known diseases. Except for rare secondary infections that result from scratching at bites, head lice are harmless, and they have been regarded by some as essentially a cosmetic rather than a medical problem. It has even been suggested that head lice infections might be beneficial in helping to foster a natural immune response against lice which helps humans in defense against the far more dangerous body louse, which is capable of transmission of a number of dangerous diseases.[7]